Perfect Servant
30" x 24"
Acrylic on Canvas
Not for Sale
8" x 10" Artist-Signed Print: $20.00 (+$5.00 Shipping)
11" x 14" Artist-Signed Print: $30.00 (+$7.00 Shipping)
18" x 22 1/2" Limited Edition Print $80.00 (+$7.00 shipping)
It was eight years ago that God revealed his incredible love to me as I read the Bible one night, and I finally surrendered my life to His Son, Jesus Christ. At last, I knew I was saved, my destination for heaven, secure!
One of the things that always amazed me about Jesus was His humanity. Both completely God and completely man, "He was tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin." (Hebrews 4:15) Before He was taken away to be hung on the cross for you and me, He no doubt struggled intensely with the thought of the agony of crucifixion, one of the worst kinds of death a man could suffer. He would be mocked, beaten, and abused, His innocent blood, shed to pay a debt we couldn't pay.
But much more than that, He would bear the full weight of all our sins, feeling the brunt of His heavenly Father's righteous anger for everything every one of us has ever done wrong. Every white lie we ever spoke, every lustful thought we ever entertained, every curse word we shot at God or at our fellow man, every little thing we stole from others, along with the more obvious, "heinous" crimes of the Hitlers, the Dahmers, and the Bin Ladens, and sins still yet to be committed, would be heaped upon this one Man who never did a thing wrong His entire life.
He almost couldn't go through with it.
"Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground, and prayed, 'My Father if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.'" (Matt. 26:39)
Thank God that He did. Because Jesus laid down His life, giving up His own comfort, and for a moment, even His own relationship with God to secure ours, I believe He truly is the "Perfect Servant."
He humbled Himself so perfectly, so completely, that God has raised Him up–not only from the dead, but also in title and authority–above everyone and everything, "that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow... and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philip. 2:10-11)
We will face Jesus either when He returns back to this earth, or when we die. Will He be our friend or our judge? Eternal life, happiness, peace, and blessings unimaginable–or–eternal death, flames, anguish, and regret with no end? It's our choice.
"For God so loved the world, that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
It is my hope that this image of Jesus praying at Gethsemane will inspire you, and remind you of the amazing love that compelled Him to give His life for us. May God bless you richly in all ways, as you seek and love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength.